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oesa magazine

For artists, by artists

The Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation Creative Writing Competition


The Eleanor Luxton Foundation sponsors a writing competition each year, for high school students, with a generous cash prize for the winners. Students submit creative writing, in either poetry or prose, that tells the story of an aspect of the history of Banff, the Bow Valley and/or the people who have lived here. The Foundation wants to support awareness of the amazing people and events that have made this area of the Bow Valley, and Banff, what it is today.

2023 Poetry First Prize

A Guided Scene of Our History

by Charles Vicente

Paintings of infinite beauty

An affinity with nature

The best course to the gateway of serenity

Where dreams bloom, its gift consoles dilemma

In the forest of Banff

Where your mind is at sea but your soul is discerned

Wishes upon dandelions

Buoyant on water after its release

To the mountains where we belong

Just deer and trees

Rivers that are your veins

Forests that are your thoughts

A pulse from the ground

Wind, silence as the song

The land of summit,

Cascade crests that landmark for tourists that survey

The land of daring soldiers

The respect for the older

A land so peaceful

The birth of Banff

Fable of the hot springs

3 Canadians who unearthed

A natural mineral of cocoon

Its surrounding reservoir

Gleams in the ditch

Coast to coast railway

Trains tracked far

Valley, mountains and lake

Marked by eminence and distinction

The label of our uniqueness

Chronicle, history, and memoir

The origin resource of the Indigenous

Used for trade and travel

Fishing and trapping

Ceremonies and gaming

Present to territory 6, 7, 8

A growing elation

Expressing gratitude for their nourishment

Region that brimmed with abundance

Prominence to fame

Basis from its creation

Eminence from the sublime

A Destination that enthralls the people

The view of a staggering masterpiece.